Friday, August 6, 2010


JULIA Gillard has still yet to talk directly to Kevin Rudd about him joining her campaign, saying they have been communicating by text message.

Ms Gillard she hopes to catch up with Mr Rudd in Brisbane tomorrow but conceded she had not spoken directly with him.

“We're chronic, chronic texters, chronic BlackBerry users,” Ms Gillard told ABC radio.

“And so we've been communicating like that and we're going to catch up face-to-face on Saturday.”

In another stunning exclusive, this blog has obtained a transcript of the text messages exchanged between the two politicians:

Text message sent by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard ("JG"): oh hai dere! u still mad??

Text message sent in reply by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ("KR"): wtf LOL yes

JG: zomg lyk build a bridge & lyk get over it

KR: u get over it

JG: k cn u lyk stop bein baby n help me stop abbott nao?

KR: u stop bein baby & you help me stop abbott now!

JG: um k. will u halp or no?

KR: ye ye sure whatevs. i can has ministry 4 foreign affairs now?

JG: ummmmmmmmmmm….......yes

KR: sweet

JG: we b friends now?

KR: Lol

Politics at it’s finest.


Political campaign descends into no-holds-barred wrestling match, somehow.

(Between myself and the editor of The Punch David Penberthy, after he posted this article)

@Penbo Hey, you stole my idea!

Penbo @MrDenorris great (or strange) minds mate. Didn't see yours til you sent me the link. Honest!

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