Saturday, April 5, 2008


Posting has been a little slow on this blog recently, so in order to drum up some business I'm linking to this article about sexy, sex-filled sex marathons, because sex sells. Sex!

Also, see the below post for more sex-related sex fiend-istry.


"Those that approach from the rear are much less likely to be cannibalised"

Good advice.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Women should have to sign a contract before sex to combat false rape allegations, if proposed new laws are passed, independent MP Ann Bressington says.

She told (South Australia’s) Parliament the planned new laws – which make it an offence to continue a sex act with a person after consent if they changed their mind – would make it easier for men to be accused of rape…

“Perhaps this parliament could devise a contract which men could carry around in their pocket, next to their condoms… The contract may contain the name and address of the women, with her driver’s licence number, so that the man can see the signatures match, clauses that state that the woman has
or has not been drinking or taking drugs – licit or illicit – and that she consents to foreplay.”

Farfetched? Or an accurate prediction of things to come?