Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Just between you and me, I know a guy who knows a guy, who saw Peter Garrett last night sneaking around with a can of gasoline, setting someone’s house on fire.

At the time he was heard yelling something along the lines of “HOW DO THEY SLEEP WHILE THEIR BEDS ARE BURNING, AAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

When questioned about the incident,
Kevin Rudd defended Garrett’s actions, stating “I have absolute confidence in the minister” and that setting houses on fire “has been a very hard program to implement”.


More evidence of Garrett's night-time activities has come to light:

Peter Garrett, photographed in 1995 discussing the merits of burning down houses with the local constabulary.

Friday, February 19, 2010


ATTORNEYS and judges may be sticklers to the word of the law but it seems they are not quite so adherent to the rules of the road, topping a list of the the top 10 most dangerous drivers by profession.

A study by online US insurance company insurance.com found 44 per cent of attorneys claimed a prior accident when looking for a car insurance comparison quote from insurance.com.

The Top 10 most dangerous drivers by profession are:
1. Attorney/Judge

2. Financial professionals
3. Government worker
4. Bartender or waiter
5. Business professionals
6. Dog groomer
7. Marketing/advertising professionals
8. Barber/stylist
9. Coach
10. Nurse

When questioned by reporters regarding the results of the study, Supreme Court Justice Christopher Brian Bridges made the following comment:

“I'm doin' a hundred on the highway, so if you do the speed limit get the fuck outta my way!
I’m D.U.I. hardly ever caught sober, and you about to get ran the fuck over!”

Bridges J was earlier spotted engaging in an impromptu debate on road safety, as seen in the below footage:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Sorry for not posting much lately, I've been distracted by other projects.

To make it up to you, here are some photos of scantily clad women:

That's all you come here for anyway, right?