Monday, September 22, 2008


Desk calendar quote of the day:

"You can't be fuelled by bitterness. It can eat you up, but it cannot drive you" - Benazir Bhutto, assassinated Pakistani politician.

Yeah well, if she had it all figured out, how come she's dead?

If she had been filled with bitterness like the rest of us*, she would have played it smart and kept her head down. Instead she decided to let a smile be her umbrella, like all those deluded upbeat types. Turns out that isn't enough to protect you from a hail of bullets.

At any rate, I'm afraid I will have to disagree. Bitterness can drive you, to acts of spite, which in turn bring untold satisfaction. For example, it's bitterness that drives a man to hit the 'close door' button on an elevator and then watch the doors slam shut in the face of some shmoe who was running towards the elevator but didn't quite make it. Deeeelicious >: )

*If you're one of those rare, insufferable individuals who aren't filled with bitterness, get lost! You're not welcome here, or in any of the other places my associates and I congregate.


nowhereplans said...

Ah bitterness. where would we be without it?...SHUT UP! I was having a rhetorical conversation!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, if you think about it, a smile would make a terrible umbrella....really a frown would make the best anti-rain gear of any facial expression.